Happy Friday à todos !

I could have called this post «Le changement c’est maintenant» (François Hollande’s presidential campaign slogan meaning «the change is now») but I sincerely wish this blog to stay apolitical... Anyway, who says new year says new projects, new challenges, and I want a new design for the one-year anniversary of this blog... I can hear you ask «Already?!» but I won’t change everything, no because I find it quite disturbing for you and for me, but I’m always on the move you know and I want to renew myself as well. Would you like any new gadgets ? New special buttons ? More or less stuff ? I’m listening !

And it is interesting to know how to constantly evolve, I realize today everything is going so quickly, everything is in perpetual motion. I think I am a real victim of this constant high speed of the seasons, of the means of communication etc... I’m bored so easily, especially with the trends... I always try not to buy clothes because it’s trendy but because I love them, I got a real crush on an item, a cut or even a material... So here is a new kind of happy friday... A Gif because it’s me, and I introduce you to my writing ! I was a little fed up of making you believe I was 1,80 m ! Anyway, I hope you’ll like it, sweet kisses!




Today I’m wearing an old American Apparel hat, an H&M coat that I love (you can find it in store now, the material is amazing). A Baruckello dress, a shirt-collar top from COS, the polka dots tights from Gambettes Box and my love booooooots Mellow Yellow that you know already... Je vous embrasse bien fort ! Can’t wait to read you !

10 janvier, 2013